Friday, June 27, 2014

SQL - Break execution of a SQL script


SET NOEXEC ON skips the rest of the script but it does not terminate the connection.
To execute any other command you need to turn noexec off again.


RAISERROR('Your error message', 20, -1) WITH log

This will terminate the connection, thereby stopping the rest of the script from running.
If you are logged in SQL as [admin] ('sysadmin' role), the RAISERROR will terminate the connection and stops the script from running the rest of code.
(If you are not logged in as [admin], otherwise the RAISEERROR() will fail and the script will continue executing.) Note that it requires both severity 20 (or higher) and "WITH LOG".


Recursive SQL CTE to split CSV string to table rows

DECLARE @strCSV VARCHAR(8000) , @delimiter CHAR(1) SET @delimiter = ',' SET @strCSV = '001002330 ,001012657 ,001046228 ,001105047 ,001138189' DECLARE @TableVariable TABLE ( ID INT, Item VARCHAR(12) ) ;WITH RegNumStartEndIndexes AS( SELECT StartIndex = 0 , EndIndex = CHARINDEX(@delimiter,@strCSV) UNION ALL SELECT EndIndex+1 , CHARINDEX(@delimiter,@strCSV,EndIndex+1) FROM RegNumStartEndIndexes WHERE EndIndex>0 ) INSERT INTO @TableVariable (ID, Item) SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY(SELECT 1)) AS ID , REPLACE( REPLACE( SUBSTRING(@strCSV, StartIndex, COALESCE(NULLIF(EndIndex,0), LEN(@strCSV)+1)-StartIndex), CHAR(13), ''), CHAR(10), '') AS Item FROM RegNumStartEndIndexes option (maxrecursion 0) -- [option (maxrecursion 0)] added To avoid following error when number of recursions gets high -- The maximum recursion 100 has been exhausted before statement completion SELECT * FROM @TableVariable

Originally grabbed the idea from here


Monday, June 16, 2014

Query sp_Who2

sp_Who by MSDN - "Provides information about current users, sessions, and processes in an instance of the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine. The information can be filtered to return only those processes that are not idle, that belong to a specific user, or that belong to a specific session."

DECLARE @Table TABLE( SPID smallint, Status nchar(30), LOGIN nchar(128), HostName nchar(128), BlkBy char(5), DBName nchar(128), Command nchar(16), CPUTime INT, DiskIO INT, LastBatch VARCHAR(MAX), ProgramName VARCHAR(MAX), SPID_1 INT, REQUESTID INT ) INSERT INTO @Table EXEC sp_who2 SELECT * FROM @Table WHERE DBName = 'DB_NAME'
