condition logical true value.
Two version of CASE is available:
1- Searched CASE expression:
WHEN Boolean_expression THEN result_expression [..n]
[ ELSE else_result_expression ]
- For each WHEN in CASE expression it evaluates the conditional expresiion in front of WHEN
- It return the first result_expression of the first TRUE conditional expression in order.
- If no conditional expression is TRUE, then it returns else_result_expression if an ELSE clause is specified.
- If no conditional expression is TRUE and there is no ELSE clause, it returns a NULL value.
use AdventureWorksLT
SELECT [name], [listprice],
WHEN [color] = 'Black' THEN [listprice] * 0.9
WHEN [color] = 'Red' THEN [listprice] * 0.45
WHEN [color] = 'White' THEN [listprice] * 0.6
END as discountPrice
FROM [AdventureWorksLT].[SalesLT].[Product]
2- The simple CASE expression:
Operates by comparing the first expression to the expression in each WHEN clause.
If equal, the expression in the THEN clause will be returned.
CASE input_expression
WHEN when_expression THEN result_expression [ ...n ]
[ ELSE else_result_expression ]
- It evaluates input_expression, and in the order specified for each WHEN clause
- It checks to see if when_expression is equal to input_expression.
- It returns the result_expression of the first match as explained above.
- If no input_expression equals to when_expression, it returns the else_result_expression if an ELSE clause is exist.
- If no input_expression equals to when_expression and ELSE clause is not exist, it returns a NULL value.
SELECT [name], [listprice],
CASE [color]
WHEN 'Black' THEN 'In stock'
WHEN 'Red' THEN 'Sold out'
WHEN 'White' THEN 'On web'
WHEN 'Blue' THEN 'In order'
END as availability
FROM [AdventureWorksLT].[SalesLT].[Product]
CASE in both formats support an optional ELSE argument.
CASE can be used in any statement or clause that allows a valid expression,
such as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE and SET, and also in IN, WHERE, ORDER BY, and ...
enjoy using CASE !
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