Sunday, August 10, 2008

AdventureWorks sample database for SQL server 2005 Express

When I wanted to install AdventureWorks sample database in SQL server 2005 Express on my Windows Vista home premium machine, I encountered with an error about lack of permission, I could install it after configuring permission.

First download the AdventureWorks:
- Use the following URL to download AdventureWorksLT.msi file:
- Click on AdventureWorksLT.msi to save the file on your favorite location in your machine.
- Click on Run once the download is complete

Permission configuration:
- Run Windows Explorer (Windows Key + E)
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data" as path
- Right click on AdventureWorksLT_Data.mdf and select Properties
Then Security->Edit->Add
In "Enter the object names ... " textbox enter your login name
- Click on Check Names, the entered name changes to MACHINENAME/Login then click OK
Select your login name from Groups or username list and choose Full control then click OK and OK
Repeat the same sequence for

Sql Server Management Studio:
- If you don't have
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express,
download it from (Microsoft Download Center) the following URL:
- Lunch
Sql Server Management Studio Express and connect to your local server.
- Right click on Databases in Object explorer and click on Attach
- click on Add and select AdventureWorksLT_Data.mdf and again click on OK
- finally click on OK and now you can find it in Object Explorer
Databases > AdventureWorksLT

Hope it helps if you encountered the same problem


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